Excerpts from Wind Paintings, 2021

I can only watch, astonished by myself, as I go rounder and rounder. A window cracks in half from the cold while we sleep and I am eight months pregnant. Midnight again. I have not slept properly for months. The neighbors’ houses have long ago gone tungsten, are now dark. Here is the wind, the all around us wind. I’ve never known wind like this, the way it makes itself known on the roof, the way it gets into the walls and unsettles everything.

I want to be outside but everything is different now. The winter coat that won’t zip up around my belly anymore. My body is no longer mine alone and maybe it never was. There is a moment when I consider climbing out the window, perching myself on the rooftop, but there is this business of balancing while spherical and so I hold my arm all the way out the window instead, most of me out the window instead, to go painting with the wind.

. . .

2.28” x 3.8”

Watercolor by Beam Paints, tap water, and wind (and sometimes snow or rain) on kozo paper.